Call: 07958326036


Sex: Female

Date Of Birth: 04/2022

Size: Medium

Breed: Bulldog

Spayed/Neutered: No

Microchipped: Yes

Vaccinated: Yes

Location: Kent

Sydney came to us from a pound in Merseyside when she was going to be put to sleep due to lack of space and from the moment she arrived, she has been a joy. We believe she may of been used for breeding and then dumped as it looks like she had a litter just before she arrived with us. She is now waiting for a home of her own. 

Sydney is a real sweetheart. She is a very affectionate lady who enjoys sitting with us in the field, rolling in the grass and doing zoomies. She enjoys meeting new people and has greeted everyone she has met so far with a big bum wiggle. Sydney has been good with the other dogs at the pound and here but can be a little wary if they are too in her face. 

We don't know if Sydney had any training prior to her arrival with us so please expect to do full training upon adoption.