Call: 07958326036


Sex: Male

Date Of Birth: 10/23

Size: Small

Breed: Mixed

Spayed/Neutered: No

Microchipped: Yes

Vaccinated: Yes

Location: Kent

Arthur was born at the rescue centre after his Mum arrived pregnant. He has been with us ever since. Many of his siblings and his Mother have now been adopted and we hope that Arthur will be next. 

Arthur is a sweetheart. He is very affectionate and will take any opportunity to sit on our laps for snuggles. He is a very playful boy and really enjoys zooming around our fields and playing with toys. He was the smallest of the group when he was born but that hasn't stopped him wrestling, chasing and playing with his siblings. He loves to play tuggy with any toy he finds. Arthur has had a sheltered life at the rescue centre but we know he would make a great addition to any family, just like many of his siblings have. 

Arthur will need full training upon adoption.