Sex: Male
Date Of Birth: 2021
Size: Small
Breed: Mixed
Spayed/Neutered: Yes
Microchipped: Yes
Vaccinated: Yes
Location: Kent
Banjo was brought to the dog warden after he was found as a stray in Medway and when he went unclaimed, he needed a safe rescue spot so he came to us. We do not know anything about his life before he was picked up but we know he will make a lovely family member.
Banjo is a very sweet and loving boy. He really loves cuddles and kisses and loves spending time sitting on our laps. He has been great with everyone he has met so far. Banjo does have quite a lot of energy and really enjoys running around the field, playing with toys and going on walks out on the downs. Banjo was good during his dog test with the dog warden and has been good with the other dogs he has met here with us.
As we do not know how much training Banjo received before his rescue, please expect to do full training with him.