Call: 07958326036


Sex: Male

Date Of Birth: 02/2022

Size: Medium

Breed: Mixed

Spayed/Neutered: No

Microchipped: Yes

Vaccinated: Yes

Location: Bosnia

Chip was rescued from his life on the streets of Bosnia. He was covered in mange and could barely move as he was so weak. He needed immediate veterinary care and a lot of love but he made a full recovery and is now waiting for a forever home of his own. 

Chip is a bundle of love and cuddles. He is so friendly and has been a wonderful addition to the kennels. 

Chip is a fun and playful boy. He loves toys and he loves to play with the other dogs he is with in foster. He loves the children of the rescuer and spends a lot of time playing with them. He has been great with everyone he has met so far. 

Chip needs full training upon adoption.