Call: 07958326036


Sex: Female

Date Of Birth: 06/2021

Size: Medium

Breed: Mixed

Spayed/Neutered: To be completed before adoption

Microchipped: Yes

Vaccinated: Yes

Location: Kent

Nina was rescued from a local pound when she was going to be put to sleep due to lack of space. She came to the centre and quickly became one of the most living and sweet dogs here. She is now looking for a home of her own. 

Nina is a lovely girl with a loving and gentle temperament. She was wonderful with everyone she met at the pound and the staff there described her as a 'cracker who would make a lovely companion' and she has lived up to that ever since arriving here. Nina loves a cuddle and a belly rub and enjoys sitting with us on the sofa's in our staff room. She has also been great with the other dogs she has met both here and at the pound. 

We do not know anything about Nina's life before the pound, so full training should be expected.