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Sandy Johnson

Hi. My name is Sandy and me & Mike (my husband) adopted Misty (was Frankie) who was rescued from Bosnia by Fetcher Dog. We had no intention of getting a dog until we retired, however our very dear friend (well, more like a sister) Mel Evans visited us when she was fostering Misty. This was the first time we set eyes on her. Mel explained all about rescue dogs and with no hesitation my husband said "We'll have her". could have knocked me down with a feather!! I was about to become a dog owner. We had to have checks made...understandably...and obtain various 

permissions which were all approved. The Fetcher Dog Trustees works tirelessly for dogs and I wanted to help in whatever way I could. This is why I became involved in the auctions to raise money for her and all the good work they do. I help with the admin side updating names and addresses of buyers/sellers and anything else that is required to share the load.