Call: 07958326036


Sex: Male

Date Of Birth: 2022

Size: Small

Breed: Mixed

Spayed/Neutered: Yes

Microchipped: Yes

Vaccinated: Yes

Location: Kent

Woody was rescued when his owner died and a family member of the deceased took him into the vets to be put to sleep. The vet refused and quickly reached out to rescues to find him a space. He is now safe and sound and waiting for a home of his own from the kennels in Kent. 

Woody is a sweet, gentle and shy boy. He flinches as if he may of been hit previously but he doesn't have a bad bone in his body. He loves treats and knows a few commands. He hasn't started to play with toys yet but enjoys running around our field and having lots of sniffs. He has been good with the other dogs at the kennels but currently gets a little overwhelmed by big noises and lots of barking. He can also be reactive towards other dogs when out on walks. He keeps his kennel nice and tidy. 

We do not know how much training Woody had in his previous home so please expect to do full training upon adoption.