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Volunteer Week - Amber Foundation's visit to the Fetcher Dog rescue centre.


Darren Ellis, staff and residents of The Amber Foundation visited the Fetcher Dog rescue centre on Thursday 1st June for a fun afternoon with the dogs.

It was a pleasure to welcome Amber Foundation to the centre, we gave them a small introduction to the charity, light refreshments, a Q&A session with Stephanie, the founder, and an hour or so playing in the fields with some of our furry residents, Ollie, Cosmo, Jerry and Aubry.

All the dogs seemed to enjoy the experience going around everyone looking for fuss and being the centre of attention and you can find more information about the dogs at Waiting For Their Forever Homes – Fetcher Dog 

The residents were a joy to have on the centre, asked some interesting questions, were kind and respectful to the dogs, playing games and sharing good times.



The idea, going forwards, is for Paul from Fetcher Dog to visit Downsview, their Ashford property, monthly, take a dog or two along and spend time with the residents and staff and in return some of the residents volunteer their time at the centre, cleaning, painting and general maintenance.

This and other collaborations will strengthen the bond between the two Ashford based charities.



You can find out more about their fantastic work at Amber - Transforming young lives (

The afternoon was a huge success and I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone from the Amber Foundation for taking an interest in Fetcher Dog and taking time out to visit the centre.

 Thank You


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