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If you are in any doubt that your support makes a positive difference to a dog's life - Transformation at it's Best!!


Fetcher Dog rescue dogs from the streets of Bosnia and from the dog pounds of the UK. Whether in the UK or Bosnia, these dogs are abandoned. In essence nobody wants them and nobody cares what happens to them or how much they suffer.

Fetcher Dog do care how much they suffer and have created a loving, compassionate and supportive process whereby a dog can be rescued from the street or from a pound and be given a protected and fulfilling life in a forever home or in a safe and secure shelter.

Along they way they are given food, water, comfort, appropriate medical treatment, mental and physical stimulation and most importantly a team of people who's sole objective is to create an environment for them which allows them to live a happy, content and full life.

Every penny or pound that is donated to the charity goes towards this endeavour and our mission to alleviate the suffering of street dogs, that said, what makes the staff at Fetcher Dog very happy and fulfilled is to witness the change in a dog's personality and physical and mental well being. 

These before and after images vividly show the significant difference financial, practical and emotional support can make to the life of these beautiful animals.

Fetcher Dog thank every donator, large or small, every supporter or sharer, every volunteer and adopter, every rescuer and vet and all the staff for creating images such as the ones shown.



To learn more about Piglet - Piglet – Fetcher Dog 

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