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Calling all of our adopters!! - We are looking for volunteer home checkers!! Can you help?


Fetcher Dog relies, heavily on volunteers, none more than the home checkers that arrange visits with potential adopters and then checks their houses to confirm that everything is in place for their chosen dog.

This is also a chance for the potential adopters to ask questions of the process and also the experience of adopting from Fetcher Dog.

This is an incredibly important part of the process, so if you, as an adopter, would like to volunteer your time and your experience, please contact Jordan at

The process:

'All potential adopters need to fill out a pre-adoption form which asks questions about you, your family (including your pets), your work and your home. After this has been completed and returned to us, we assess the results to see if we think everything is suitable and if the dog you are interested in is the right fit for you. If everything looks good, we carry out a home check.

The home check allows us to meet you and see where the dog would be living. The home checks are carried out by local volunteers who can give you personal experience of adopting a rescue dog from us. We then arrange a zoom call with Jordan and Stephanie Connor, two of the Fetcher Dog CEOs to answer any further questions you may have. We aim to let you know everything about the dog that we know prior to the start of the process and carry out checks with other dogs, cats and children beforehand. If this is passed we can arrange an adoption.


Thank you in advance

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