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Fetcher Dog's February Fundraiser challenges start with the 'old favourite' Ice Bucket Challenge!



The staff and volunteers are raising funds for the dogs this February and are undergoing some challenges, first was the old favourite 'Ice Bucket Challenge taken on by Jordan and Stephanie at the rescue centre in Kent.

You can donate at Fundraiser by Fetcher Dog : Koda's Birthday fundraiser for vet bills! (


This year we are fundraising for vet bills.

General care of the dog we rescue costs us huge amounts each week.

Every spay/neuter costs between £180-£300 and each vaccine course costs us around £90.

We then have many more complex cases coming to us like Badger's mange which has cost us around £300, Lorelai's cancer which currently has a bill of £7000, Timmy's skin which has cost £350 and Jamie's abscess which cost us £400.

We rescue as many dogs as we can but the veterinary bills do sometimes get in the way of being able to take on new dogs.

Please donate what you can to help!

Even £1 from half of our supporters will help us reach out goal in no time.

 Thank you

 Koda, Jordan, Steph, Jo and Paul



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