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Chilmington Green Secondary School help us with our adoptions by drawing our dogs!! Say Hello to Rocket!!


The talented students at Chilmington Green Secondary School are lending a paw to Fetcher Dog in our adoption efforts by creating beautiful drawings of dogs eagerly waiting to find their forever homes.
As a token of our gratitude, we are showcasing their artwork on our social media channels @fetcherdog.
Here's a sneak peek at some of their incredible creations!


This is Rocket!!


'Rocket was rescued from his life on a chain. He had been living tied to a small dog house in someone's garden for three years. He is now safe and ready to have a lovely life of his own. 

Rocket is a lovely boy with a gentle temperament.

He is really friendly to every person and enjoys getting affection once he gets to know you but is shy to start with new people. He has been great with the other dogs but is very submissive and can sometimes be nervous with overly dominant and large dogs. He does love to play with most of the other dogs at the kennels though. 

Rocket has never lived in a home so will require full training upon adoption.'


 Sex: Male

Date Of Birth: 03/2018

Size: Small/Medium

Breed: Mixed

Spayed/Neutered: Yes

Microchipped: Yes

Vaccinated: Yes 


Thank You very much to all the pupils and staff at Chilmington Green Secondary School for your kindness and support.

We will try and share as many as we can!!

If you would like to adopt a dog, please follow this link to start your journey

 Adopt A Dog – Fetcher Dog


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