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Congratulations to Jo who completed her 24hr Treadmill Challenge!! - There's still chance to donate!!


This July the staff at the rescue centre in Kent are challenging themselves to raise money!!

Our lovely kennel assistant Jo challenged herself to walk/run/crawl on the treadmill for 24 hours solid with no breaks to raise money for our dogs, and she completed it earlier today.

Jo writes:

'I am taking part in a 24 hour treadmill challenge to raise some much needed funds for the wonderful dog rescue centre Fetcher Dog. The challenge is to run, walk and crawl on a treadmill for 24 hours. It’s gonna hurt, it’s gonna be hard but it’s gonna be so worth it to raise money to help save the beautiful souls that no one wanted. Please consider donating to this amazing charity, they need you and they need your support. Thank you.'

 We still have £300 match funding, so, for every £1 you donate it will be doubled (up to £300)

Fundraiser by Fetcher Dog : July challenges! (

Thank You very much to everyone who donated and to Jo who deserves a rest after her epic efforts!!

(Unfortunately, for Jo, the dogs at the centre may not fully appreciate her 64 miles/24hr exploits and will expect her back at the centre soon, blisters, back ache and all!)



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