Date for your Diary!! - Evegate Dogs Charity Day with Fetcher Dog, 20th August 2023 - 11.00-3.00
Event by Evegate Business, Retail and Artisan Village and Fetcher Dog Home - Evegate Business Park - Ashford - Kent
'Hey all, Evegate Business Park have partnered up with the incredible charity: Fetcher Dog to bring you an all shining, all barking; doggy day Charity event!
There will be: Dog Themed Stalls covering all the doggy necessities as well as canine Portraits and Photography!
We will have scheduled agility and obedience showings as well as a "have a go" yourself opportunity throughout the day.
There will be a competition too - exact doggy topic TBC, but we know there will be a rosette & prize for the winners & their owners.
Though the day is about the dogs, we will of course be expecting their mini human friends to attend, so we are excited to say the lovely Romney Marsh Vintage Amusements will be here with their fun games stalls and rides!
Ice Cream - Sweet Treats & SAUSAGES!
well, maybe more on the menu than sausages but a tasty grill up will be had.
To read more about the why?
Please see link below for What Fetcher Dog do, and why having a charity day to raise as much pennies for the pooches is so important
Thank You