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February's Fundraiser for Cheddar's recovery and Koda's 7th Birthday - Ice bucket Challenge

We are busy raising money for Cheddar who, unfortunately, broke his wrist last week, he is making a good yet slow recovery but the vet bills are £4000. We are tying this in with a fundraiser for our logo dog Koda's seventh birthday where we do challenges, set by our supporters, that have the number seven in them i.e. 'Eat 7 dog biscuits', '77 push ups' etc

The ice bucket challenge (Yes that old classic) was suggested by one of our long time supporters. There was not a seven in sight but Jordan and Paul stepped up and completed the challenge.

If you would like to donate please follow this link - Koda's Birthday Challenge | Give as you Live Donate or alternatively you can suggest a challenge at

Thank you


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