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Fetcher Dog are exhibiting at Business Vision Live (May 10th) in Maidstone, Kent.


Emily Taylor from Revolution Events has kindly invited Fetcher Dog to next weeks Business Vision Live Event at the Kent Event Centre in Maidstone, Kent - May 10th

Fetcher Dog are very appreciative of this chance to exhibit at such a prestigious event and are very much looking forward to the day, meeting and sharing information with other exhibitors and the general public.

'Now in its 16th year, Business Vision LIVE has been helping businesses from across the South East to not just grow, but flourish too. Over 2,000 visitors and 150 exhibitors join us at the South East's premier business event every year and establish an astonishing amount of new supplier, partner and customer relationships, and combined with our comprehensive programme, accelerate their business growth' 

Courtesy of Business Vision LIVE - Kents Largest Business Exhibition & Conference

Revolution Events  are specialists in designing and delivering high impact business events – hand-crafting every project to satisfy their clients.

Since 1999, their friendly and professional approach has served up more than 500 successful business events across a wide range of sectors, creating new experiences for delegates, sponsors, exhibitors, speakers and other key stakeholders.

You can find more information about Revolution Events at Revolution Events – The perfect ingredients for perfect business events (

We are delighted to have this opportunity to share our story and our vision with over 2000 visitors, come along and say hello to us and over 150 exhibitors.

Thank you Emily

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