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Fetcher Dog Takeover!! - Amber and Moose!!

Our ambassador Amber Anderson ( @amberandergram ) has kick started our takeovers by telling us about her journey with her very own Fetcher Dog, Moose!

Moose was rescued from a high kill shelter in Bosnia.

The shelters provide no food, care or comfort and if the dogs aren’t rescued quickly, they die from exposure or are killed by the wardens.

His life couldn’t look more different today.

Please head to our stories so see how Moose has settled into his new life with his forever family!

You can find our stories at Instagram - Fetcher Dog (@fetcherdog) • Instagram photos and videos - (There is a stories section at the top of the page)



Before and After - What a wonderful difference a caring and supportive home has on a dog's life!!  Amber confirms that having any dog can provide challenging moments but these photos show what an enormous positive difference can be made to a dog's and a family's life.



Thank You Amber (and Connor) for providing a loving forever home for Moose and for this takeover!!

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