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Fetcher Dog thank Fixings Warehouse, Charing for their kind donation of £100 worth of cleaning equipment!!

Social Media Editor Robin outside their store in Charing, Kent


Fetcher Dog posted on our social media (Facebook) about our Amazon Wish List and if anyone would like to purchase some essential rescue centre items such as cleaning materials.

Fixings Warehouse Online contacted us to say that their owner Matthew Clarke had agreed that they would donate £100 worth of goods from their store and would also help with items for a xmas raffle.

So we did as it would be rude not to!!



We would like to thank them for this generous offer, you can find them at Top Quality Fixings and Supplies | Fixings Warehouse

Thank you to all the staff at Fixings Warehouse in Charing, Kent.

Fetcher Dog depend on these kind gestures and would like to thank all our supporters, individuals and small businesses.

Original post on Facebook

'We are running quite low on a few things at the centre and wondered if any of our lovely supporters would be willing to buy us some bits from the Amazon wish list.
We are almost out of washing up liquid and laundry detergent and our brooms, mops, sponges and squeegees really need replacing.
If anyone can buy something from our wish list, the link is below!'

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