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Fetcher Dog would like to thank Andy Chapman and Chapman Electricals for their kindness and expertise!!


The Fetcher Dog rescue centre in Hastingleigh, Kent have been experiencing some electrical issues, with the circuits continually tripping out. This was concerning as we have a number of rescue dogs that need to be kept warm at all times including our puppies.

Two of our adopters Dan and Charlotte Pearman came to the centre to have a look and decided that professional help was needed and reached out to local people for a cut price rate.

Andy Chapman from Chapman Electrical stepped up and sent a couple of electricians along to fix the problem, free of charge.

We would like to thank them for their expertise and their kindness, you can find them at  Contact | Chapman Electrical ( or on social media @chapmanelectrical or Facebook 

Without people like these Fetcher Dog would find the running of the rescue centre very expensive, so we are very grateful for fixing the issue.

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