Fetcher Dog X Denzel's Treats, a match made in canine heaven!!

Fetcher Dog are pleased to announce that we have partnered with Denzel's Treats to offer our adopters and followers discounts on their products whilst raising money for our dogs and the charity.
Receive 15% discount off Denzel's Treats when using Discount Code FETCHERDOG
Denzel's | Delicious and Nutritious Dog Treats, Chews, and Rewards (denzels.co.uk)
Denzel's make Training Bites, Dental Chews, High Value Rewards and Soft Baked Sticks.
You can find them on Facebook - Denzel's | Facebook
The idea is to partner with companies that supply products that we recommend, whether that is practical/safety items, toys or treats.
You gain through discounts, we gain through receiving money on every order. It's a Win-Win-Win situation.
Partnering with companies that we trust is a convenient way to raise some funds, please consider taking advantage of this partnership.
Thank You