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Fetcher Dog X Touchango K9 - Discounts available on high quality products for active dogs and owners!!


Fetcher Dog are pleased to announce that we have partnered with 'TouchangoK9 to offer our adopters and followers discounts on their products whilst raising money for our dogs and the charity.

- Receive 10% Discount on any Dog Toys with Touchango K9 when using Discount Code FETCHERDOG -

Touchango K9 provide: Toys - Canine Exercise Equipment - Natural Treats

Touchango K9 is a family run business comprising of myself and my husband, and our various dogs based in the beautiful Kent countryside, close to the beach. I have been involved in dog sports for over 25 years, firstly in obedience which was closely followed by agility. I compete at Championship Level agility and also run an Agility Club training other people and their dogs. Most weekends throughout the summer we can be found at an agility competition somewhere in the UK!
Fetcher Dog has partnered with various companies to provide their products at a discounted price while also helping to raise funds for the rescue centre.

 The idea is to partner with companies that supply products that we recommend, whether that is practical/safety items, toys or treats. Partnering with companies that we trust is a convenient way to raise some funds, please consider taking advantage of this partnership.

Thank You


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