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Fetcher Dog's Wagathon is still on, please donate, share or get involved and walk, run or cycle 9K for K9's!!


For the whole of August, some of our lovely supporters have been participating in our Wagathon campaign, ‘Walk 9k for our k9s’ to raise funds for our dogs! Our lovely kennel assistant Jo has walked 9km every day of August so far and will be doing so for the rest of August and some of our lovely supporters have been doing their own 9km walks to raise funds.

Jordan writes: I started off my own challenge yesterday and did my first of 11 9km walks that will be completed by the end of the month!

If you want to join in and do a 9km walk of your own to raise funds there is still time. Please hit the link below and click ’start fundraising’ to join in!

If you want to support us by donating, please hit the link below to donate.

We raised over £8000 last year together during our Wagathon and have only managed £280 so far this year, so please do consider joining in!



Jordan (One of the Fetcher Dog Founders) with Basil and Allie

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