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How companies can help - Corporate Volunteering, Amanda and IQVIA

Amanda Bigault recently visited and volunteered a day's work here at Fetcher Dog in cooperation with her employers, IQVIA, who offer employees a 'one day a year paid volunteering day at a charity' the employee can choose any charity close to their heart, Amanda, naturally, chose Fetcher Dog!

Amanda then highlighted her day through a presentation to her company (see photo), as Amanda's photograph states ' Working at the kennels can be hard, tedious and dirty work but is essential for the wellbeing of the dogs and is rewarding for the participant'.

The staff at Fetcher Dog rely on volunteers and supporters to continue our aim to alleviate the suffering of Bosnian street dogs.

Thanks Amanda and IQVIA for, your time and support.

'Many companies are waking up to the benefits of corporate volunteering. Offering employees a few days of paid leave per year to volunteer with charities of their choice, or organising volunteering days for the entire team, can be a great way for employers to empower their staff to give something back' -Courtesy of

If you would like to volunteer your time, contact your company and ask if they support such a scheme and then contact Paul at to arrange a time and date to visit the centre.

Thank You

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