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How companies can help support the work of Fetcher Dog - The Wooden Spoon Preserving Company

Just before Christmas The Wooden Spoon Preserving Company donated jams, curds, marmalades and chutneys to Fetcher Dog, to be used in hampers for raffle prizes.

The hampers, which focus on local produce proved to be popular and Fetcher Dog gained through raffle ticket money. The Wooden Spoon is located a mile away from the rescue centre in Wye, Kent.

You can check out their produce at The Wooden Spoon Preserving Co - Home or on Facebook - The Wooden Spoon Preserving Company Ltd | Ashford | Facebook

Thank you to all the staff at The Wooden Spoon Preserving Company.

If you would like to support the work of Fetcher Dog either with a donation, your time or a a skill or service that you have, please contact Paul at

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