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How companies can help - Wayfarer Wines of Woodchurch, Kent



I reached out to Wayfarer Wines in Woodchurch to see if they would donate some of their produce to Fetcher Dog as a raffle prize or part of a local produce hamper.

Karen and Matt have been extremely generous with their time and generosity and Fetcher Dog have wine and a complimentary gift certificate to use as prizes. 

Karen commented: 'We do love dogs and feature our very own Springer Spaniel on our wine labels so naturally we feel dog rescue is a great cause to get behind' 

You can find Wayfarer Wines at Wayfarer Wines and their events at Blog — Wayfarer Wines 

There are many ways that local businesses can help the rescue dogs, and this is just one example of the generosity Fetcher Dog depend on to raise money. 

Thank you to everyone at Wayfarer Wines!!

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