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Challenge yourself this lockdown!



As another National lockdown sets in, I am sure many of you are looking around at what you can possibly do now? Most people are tired of baking banana bread and have decided to make this lockdown count. So, I have compiled a list of things that you can do to help your favourite charities (I hope we are one of them), this lockdown. 

- Challenge Yourself!

I have already seen many social media posts aimed at getting fit, so why not do it for charity? Dust off your stationary bike and cycle the distance to Paris or climb your stairs until you reach the peak of Snowdon. Get creative! Set yourself a goal and work towards it day by day. Get your friends and family to cheer you on and sponsor your efforts!

-Learn a new skill

Could you learn a new skill that could help out some dogs in need? A lot of charities run regular online auctions to raise money for their cause. Is there anything that you could make, that we could sell? Whether it's knitting baby blankets or embroidering cushions, I'm sure there is something creative that you could do to help out. 

-Clear out your cupboards

Christmas is over and I'm sure some of us received gifts that we neither want or need. Or, maybe you have got some really great gifts this Christmas and need to make room by getting rid of your old stuff, then think about donating them to a good cause. We run a regular auctions and can sell all sorts of items to make money for our dogs. 

-Donate your birthday

A lot of us have already had to celebrate our birthdays differently over the last year, but why not donate your birthday to a charity this year. Instead of your friends buying you a drink at the pub, ask everyone to donate the cost of a pint to your fundraiser! 


If you aren't sick of zoom quizzes, maybe you can raise some money by hosting a virtual event for you and your friends. Charge everyone a couple of pounds to take part and donate everything to your favourite charity. 

-AmazonSmile and Give as you Live

As we limit the amount that we go out during lockdown, try to use AmazonSmile and Give as you Live when you are shopping online. These platforms raise money for your chosen charities every time you shop online and the amounts raised really do make a HUGE difference. 

Most charities have been hit hard by COVID-19 and a lot of fundraising opportunities have declined over the last year. Please consider doing a fundraiser for us so that we can continue to rescue the dogs that need our help. 

The most important thing is to stay safe and to look out for your friends and family this lockdown. 

Stay safe and stay home



1 comment

  • Hi we adopted the beautiful river from you (now known as Molly) we love her to bits but we are really struggling. Try as we might we just can’t get her to go outside so toilet training is impossible, do you have any help you can give us?

    Ken Hubbard

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