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Become a Fetcher Dog volunteer today!

We are looking for volunteers at the rescue centre at:

Fetcher Dog Rescue Centre, Wyncot Kennels,

Coldharbough Lane, Hastingleigh, Kent TN25 5HE

You can volunteer, any day, normally between 10-4, this is due to a management of dog noise and our neighbours. Every Sunday we, also, run a volunteer group 10.30-4.30

 There are many different ways to volunteer your time, your services and your skills to support the work of Fetcher Dog.

Jobs to be done are mainly the cleaning of the centre, linen, general cleaning and, of course, kennel cleaning. 

We are, also, looking for people to help with the administration of the charity, the role includes telephone answering, message taking and general administration duties.

We are, also, looking for trades people to help at the rescue centre whether that is fixing and replacing taps, repairing locks on doors, painting the centre and general ground maintenance

Please note, working at a dog rescue centre can be hard work and messy, full training will be given, there may not be much interaction with dogs, you need to be over 18 years of age and this is a non paid volunteer role.

If interested, please contact Jordan at

Thank You

1 comment

  • Hi, I am interested to volunteer in an admin role. I suffer with arthritis so cleaning etc is difficult for me. Please let me know more details. Julia ps I have been a dog owner until recently.

    Julia Dudman

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