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Meet Jack - Facing his Challenges with Determination and a Smile


Sex: Male

Date Of Birth: 03/2021

Size: Small/Medium

Breed: Mixed

Spayed/Neutered: Yes

Microchipped: Yes

Vaccinated: Yes

Location: Kent



Jack was rescued from his life on the streets of Bosnia. He has a very old injury to his back legs and the vets believe he was likely hit by a car and not given any treatment. These injuries have been checked by a specialist and they confirmed that he is not in any pain but nothing can be done to fix the injury. He doesn't let his legs stop him from living his life to the fullest. Jack is waiting for a forever home of his own. 

Read More - Jack – Fetcher Dog



If you are interested in adopting this handsome and brave boy please contact Jordan at

Thank You


  • We would like to meet Jack. We are a family of 3. One child at secondary, one at college and one working. We have a 5 yr old cockapoo who we have had since a puppy. Both my husband and I work from home mostly so there is always someone home. We live a couple of minutes from hythe beach and have a long secure garden. We like to walk along the beach, canal and woods. We would love to come and meet him.

    Rosa Warman
  • I’m interested in adopting this dog please can I have some details about the process


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