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One pound (that's only £1) a week would make an enormous difference to our dogs!!

The cost-of-living crisis, coupled with other things I’m sure, have had a large impact on our charity this year. We have seen a 35% decrease on our adoption numbers from last year and a 25% decrease in donations. As more and more people grow worried about their finances, less and less are taking on the additional expense of adopting a dog and less and less are donating monthly or to our fundraising campaigns. In order to combat this, we need to expand our community and fundraising platform and we are hoping you will help us do this.
You are ALWAYS wonderful at spreading the word when it comes to our dogs and yet again, we are asking for your help on this. If we can reach more people, we can attract new adopters and new supporters.
Share our posts with anyone you think may be interested in supporting us. It really does make a big difference.
If any of you would consider setting up a monthly donation to Fetcher Dog, please head to the link in our bio. Regular giving helps us to plan for the future, it’s money we can rely on which allows us to rescue dogs knowing that we can continue to care for them.
If even half of our followers donated £1 a month to Fetcher Dog, we would be increasing our monthly income and bringing in an additional £3000 to save more dogs.
We really appreciate all your help; we couldn’t do this without you. The post shows some before and afters of the dogs in the kill shelter vs. now.
The difference we all make on their lives is amazing!

1 comment

  • I’m truly moved by this article. A small contribution of just £1 a month can create an immense impact on the lives of these dogs in need. It’s heartwarming to see the dedication and compassion of the team at FetcherDog. Every pound counts towards providing them with the care and love they deserve. Let’s join together and make a difference in these precious animals’ lives! see more at

    Fundraising For Animal Shelters

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