Sign this petition and help stop the UK euthanising healthy dogs!!
According to statistics there are 7000 UK street or stray dogs euthanised per year
Sign the petition - Petition · Stop Euthanising UK Abandoned Dogs ·
The UK Stray Dog Crisis
The number of dogs being abandoned or given up to dog rescue centres has increased immensely recently. 'Pandemic dogs', ie, dogs that were adopted whilst the pandemic's shutdown was in full force are now being abandoned, at an alarming rate, as employees return to offices rather than working from home or realise that their dogs needs and requirements do, now, not match their work requirements.
There is, also, anecdotal evidence that these dogs arriving at rescue centres post-pandemic are said to have a higher incidence of health or behavioural problems, or both, making them more difficult to rehome.
Often these dogs have no background information on these issues, which lengthens the adoption process.
Many UK rescue centres are reporting that they are full to capacity, this inevitably leads to more dog abandonment, dog pounds then accepting these dogs, resulting in overcrowding which results in dogs being killed.
Increase in Dog Abandonment - Overcrowded Rescue Centres
- Overfilled Dog Pounds - Increase in Dog Loss of Life
Petition · Stop Euthanising UK Abandoned Dogs ·
Dog Euthanasia
UK law says local authorities must pay for the safe kennelling of a ‘found’ dog for seven days to allow the owner time to locate it but after that they can be rehomed or killed. As there are not enough kennel spaces for all the stray dogs many are put on “death row” and have a time limit to find a new home, if no one comes forward to offer them a home they will be killed.
In 2011 at least 11,000 healthy dogs were put to sleep for no other reason than they were not wanted
Although this is humanely carried out, it is still taking away the life of an animal that's only crime is being unwanted or neglected.
- Educate yourself about the issues surrounding stray dogs, in your community, in your city, your country and in other countries.
- Start asking questions of your local councils about how they deal with local stray and abandoned dogs.
- Adopt don't shop - One way to alleviate the issues surrounding stray dogs is adopting them instead of adopting from breeders.
- Donate to dog charities or dog rescue centre or to well run, compassionate dog shelters that have a no-kill policy.
- Volunteer at a dog rescue centre, learn more about the issues and find creative ways to campaign against dog cruelty.
- Support dog spay-neuter programs to halt the increase in numbers of global street/stray dogs.
- Act for governmental subsidises towards the cost of spay/neuter for adopted/street/fosters dogs
- Write letters to international animal welfare organisations. (Google or Wikipedia)
- Challenge euthanasia for dogs as a process but also campaign for compassionate euthanasia when there is no other alternative ie health, quality of life and dignity of the animal.
- To push for a worldwide ruling that all dogs are spayed, neutered, vaccinated and microchipped
- Contact UK vets and as for their policy on euthanasia.
Courtesy of
You can find out more about the law surrounding animal welfare at - Animal Welfare Act 2006 (
Please let me know what can be done to make all shelters n the U.K. no kill.
Please stop euthanise healthy digs
Please stop!!!!! 💔