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Sponsor a Dog

Some of our dogs need more time and patience than others. Many have lived on the streets their whole lives and are so scared of everything new. Depending on the severity of their fears, some of our dogs are not ready for adoption when they are initially rescued. At Fetcher Dog, we give our dogs all the time and love that they need before they are adopted. Sometimes, they need a foster family or to spend extra time with us in kennels. 

This is Dixie. Dixie was so scared when she first arrived at kennels that she would hide behind her sister facing the wall. She would shake whenever we went close to her and she wouldn't let us touch her. She has been with us a few months and has made so much progress. She now loves to play, loves belly rubs and face smushes. Without the support of our donors, this extra time for Dixie may not of been possible.


The longer they stay with us, the more money we need to support them. If you are interested in sponsoring one of our dogs, please head to the Virgin Giving link below and set up a direct debit. Having regular donations that we can rely upon monthly allows us to keep our dogs in kennels as long as they need. Any donation, big or small is really appreciated.

Thank you


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