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The case for companies to help Fetcher Dog


If you are able to help Fetcher Dog with sponsorships, donations, volunteers, collaborations or any other ideas you have, please contact Paul at


Some of the many reasons, you as a company should help Fetcher Dog:

Fetcher Dog are a company you can trust to use your funds, not only appropriately but always for the support and enhancement of dog's lives

Fetcher Dog are good, honest, compassionate and hardworking people

Fetcher Dog have a proven track record of achieving their goals and going way beyond expectations and targets with regards to dog rescue, dog support and dog re homing
Fetcher Dog, have since conception, grown at an unprecedented rate through professionalism, kindness and determination to become a gold standard rescue centre finding forever homes for over 300 Bosnian Dogs in the United Kingdom
Fetcher Dog, with your help, can continue to expand their service and their overall dog care to include canine behaviour training, grooming and one to one focus
Fetcher Dog’s plan, with your help, is to increase the amount of kennel space in both Bosnia and the UK, thus, taking more dogs off the streets and into a safe and loving environment 
For further information, please visit:

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