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Wagathon 2023 - This August Fetcher Dog are taking part in Wagathon - Walking 9K for K9s!


This year some of our supporters, volunteers and us are taking part in the annual Wagathon!!!

What is it?
It is a sponsored event where you choose one day in August to walk 9km for your K9! 
When is it?
Anytime during the month of August
Who can take part? 
Anyone -  Adults, children, dogs - the more the merrier! 
Where does it take place?
Anywhere of your choice - this can be your local park, a treadmill, on holiday!
Does it have to be done in one day?
Absolutely not! The 9km can be spread out over the course of a day, a week or the month! 
Why are we doing this?
For fun! and to raise much needed to funds for the charity of your choice. 
Please join in or donate below:

Wagathon 2023! | Give as you Live Donate

Thank You

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