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Rocket has bee adopted!! - Thank You Chilmington Green Secondary School for your help!



We are delighted to announce that one of our long term residents Rocket has been adopted, thanks in no small part to students at Chilmington Green Secondary School who used their artistic talents to highlight some of our dogs.

The students lent their artistic talents and produced many wonderful (and interesting) impressions of a number of our dogs, Orla, Neville, Hazel and Rocket and the website post was seen by his new adopters and Rocket went to his forever family last Monday.

 Jordan writes:
'There’s always a bunch of mixed emotions when a long term dog is adopted. We are so happy that they have found a home and will finally have the life they deserve but there are always a few tears as we will miss them. Rocket has been in homes before but has always been returned as he needs a very slow and gentle introduction into family life.

This time, we have everything crossed that it will be his forever home!


Image: One of many of the images by the students,

 You can see the original post at - Chilmington Green Secondary School help us with our adoptions by drawi – Fetcher Dog

Thank You very much to all the pupils and staff at Chilmington Green Secondary School for your kindness and support and of course his new family for adopting this handsome chap.

We depend heavily on our adopters, friends and the local community for sharing our posts and finding creative ways to highlight our rescues, if you have an idea how you or your work or community can help, please email Jordan at

It really does make a difference!!

The other posts featuring Chilmington Green Secondary School were:

Hazel - Chilmington Green Secondary School help us with our adoptions by drawi – Fetcher Dog

Neville - Chilmington Green Secondary School help us with our adoptions by drawi – Fetcher Dog


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